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MMS9401 Creating Digital Content (DISESTABLISHED FB 05/07)

Chief Examiner

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Unit Code, Name, Abbreviation

MMS9401 Creating Digital Content (DISESTABLISHED FB 05/07) (17 Dec 2007, 09:43am) [CDC (28 Jul 2004, 2:36pm)]

Reasons for Introduction

Obsolete Reasons for Introduction

The inclusion of Creating Digital Content in the Master of Multimedia program has emanated from discussions with the Master of Multimedia students, incumbent lecturers and the heads of the School of Multimedia Systems and Department of Design. As the Master of Multimedia degree is a non-cognate program, attention is required in building the fundamental skills that will allow students to explore more fully solutions in multimedia. The major issue raised when reviewing the first year of the program, was the lack of hands-on software tuition within the course. This lack of foundation became a problem in semester 2 of the course.

Reasons for Change (29 Jul 2004, 2:17pm)

These changes to unit objectives, summary, teaching strategies and assessments are intended to align this unit MMS9401 Creating Digital Content to the undergraduate unit MMS1402 Creating Digital Content which covers similar content. MMS9401 will be assessed at a higher and more rigorous level than MMS1402.


Knowledge and Understanding (Cognitive Domain Objectives) (29 Jul 2004, 2:05pm)

  1. the characteristics of a range of software which are used in the development of websites
  2. the characteristics of commercial web sites and the tasks and management issues associated with them
  3. internet standards and protocols related to web site creation
  4. appropriate use of software applications in relation to web design concepts and standards
  5. the options available within current multimedia delivery platforms and future directions
  6. the need for the management and control of the multimedia development process
  7. commercial website usability issues

Attitudes, Values and Beliefs (Affective Domain Objectives) (29 Jul 2004, 2:06pm)

  1. recognition and respect for copyright
  2. constructively deal with clients in a range of situations encountered in the tendering process
  3. critically assess the success of commercial websites
  4. recognise the strengths and weaknesses of information technology in the context of the development and use of multimedia systems

Practical Skills (Psychomotor Domain Objectives) (29 Jul 2004, 2:07pm)

  1. produce design specification documentation for a website
  2. design and build a simple commercial website
  3. create and manipulate digital content for websites
  4. create and integrate basic audio and animation into websites

Relationships, Communication and TeamWork (Social Domain Objectives) (29 Jul 2004, 2:08pm)

  1. develop skills to allow students to work as part of a project team

Unit Content

Summary (29 Jul 2004, 2:09pm)

This unit will develop the basic concepts of website development and standards, especially usability. It will also introduce website design/maintenance and graphic design software and its appropriate applications. The use of images, sound and animation within a web site will be investigated.

Teaching Methods

Strategies of Teaching (29 Jul 2004, 2:11pm)

Formal lectures will be used to describe web authoring software and the various W3C applicable standards, especially in the area of usability. A significant part of the teaching will be completed through the use of appropriate software in multimedia laboratories - this will include software for web site creation/maintenance, digital image manipulation and the inclusion of audio and animation. In addition, examples of commercial web sites will be used to highlight the strengths and deficiencies of various approaches.

Students will be require to complete

Teaching Methods Relationship to Objectives (29 Jul 2004, 2:12pm)

The tutorials offered will be designed to satisfy objectives P1-4 and the lectures will address the knowledge and understanding of objectives C1-7 and A1-4. Working to develope a major website will satisfy objective S1.


Strategies of Assessment (29 Jul 2004, 2:14pm)

The final mark will be calculated using a weighting formula:

final grade = (R*A* E)/((R-1)*A+E)

where A = overall assignment percentage, E = examination percentage, R = 100/assignment weight

If a student achieves a grade of 0% for assignments the final grade will be:

Final grade = E / 2.5

If a student achieves a grade of 0% for the examination the final grade will be:

Final grade = A / 2.5

Assessment Relationship to Objectives (29 Jul 2004, 2:15pm)

The assignments will be designed to test the unit objectives through a set of web site creation/evaluation tasks (P1-4, A1-4 and S1)

The final examination will be designed to test all unit objectives with particular emphasis on C1-7


Resource Requirements

Software Requirements (21 Oct 2005, 1:04pm)

Software Required:

  1. Adobe Photoshop CS
  2. Adobe Illustrator CS
  3. Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004
  4. Macromedia Flash MX 2004


Faculty Information


Lindsay Smith


School: 17 Dec 2007 (Julianna Dawidowicz)
Faculty Education Committee: 17 Dec 2007 (Julianna Dawidowicz)
Faculty Board: 17 Dec 2007 (Julianna Dawidowicz)
Faculty Manager:
Dean's Advisory Council:

Version History

28 Jul 2004 Michael Morgan modified UnitName; modified Abbreviation; modified ReasonsForIntroduction/RObsolete
29 Jul 2004 Michael Morgan modified UnitObjectives/ObjText; modified UnitObjectives/ObjCognitive; modified UnitObjectives/ObjAffective; modified UnitObjectives/ObjPsychomotor; modified UnitObjectives/ObjSocial; modified Classification; modified UnitContent/Summary; modified UnitContent/RecommendedReading; modified Teaching/Strategies; modified Teaching/Objectives; modified Assessment/Strategies; modified Assessment/Objectives; modified ReasonsForIntroduction/RChange
29 Jul 2004 Lindsay Smith MMS School Approval,
16 Aug 2004 Ralph Gillon FEC Approval
16 Sep 2004 Annabelle McDougall FacultyBoard Approval
17 Nov 2004 Vi Lam modified ResourceReqs/SoftwareReqs
17 Oct 2005 David Sole Added Software requrirements template
21 Oct 2005 David Sole Updated requirements template to new format
17 Dec 2007 Julianna Dawidowicz modified UnitName
17 Dec 2007 Julianna Dawidowicz MMS9401 Chief Examiner Approval, ( proxy school approval )
17 Dec 2007 Julianna Dawidowicz FEC Approval
17 Dec 2007 Julianna Dawidowicz FacultyBoard Approval - Faculty Board approved the disestablishment of this unit at 05/07 meeting

This version: