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InfoTech Unit Avatar

FIT5002 Software Security

Chief Examiner

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Unit Code, Name, Abbreviation

FIT5002 Software Security (08 May 2006, 11:59am) []

Reasons for Introduction

Reasons for Introduction (08 May 2006, 12:00pm)

Software attacks are the most prevalent and most expensive form of electronic attack today. In 2004 in Australia, 45% of financial losses from electronic attacks were due to viruses and related malicious software. Losses due to malicious software in the USA exceeded 55 million in that same year. The primary cause of commonly exploited software vulnerabilities is software defects that could have been avoided. Through our analysis of thousands of vulnerability reports, the CERT/CC has observed that most of them stemmed from a relatively small number of root causes. If we can identify the root causes of vulnerabilities and develop secure coding practices for illustration, software producers may be able to take practical steps to prevent introduction of vulnerabilities into deployed software systems. This unit will follow a systematic approach to identifying program errors most likely to cause security breaches. Good practices to avoiding certain categories of vulnerabilities will also be explored.

Role of Unit (08 May 2006, 12:00pm)

This is a unit that is a part of the Security specialization for the Master of Information Technology (MIT )

Relationship of Unit (08 May 2006, 12:01pm)

No direct relationship

Relevance of Unit (08 May 2006, 12:01pm)

This unit forms a core part of the Security specialisation offered as part of the MIT degree. As such the Faculty is moving into a more contemporary and leadership role with common and new Internet Technology subject matters. Therefore, this unit is a key part in the faculty?s new vision. Furthermore, this unit is critical to the Faculty?s research-teaching nexus; the Faculty has significant research activity in secure/ trusted software development.


Statement of Objectives (08 May 2006, 12:03pm)

At the completion of this unit students will have

Attitudes, Values and Beliefs (Affective Domain Objectives) (08 May 2006, 12:08pm)

After completing this unit, students should have developed attitudes of:

Practical Skills (Psychomotor Domain Objectives) (08 May 2006, 12:07pm)

After completing this unit, students should have the skills to:

Relationships, Communication and TeamWork (Social Domain Objectives) (08 May 2006, 12:09pm)

As software security should not be considered in isolation, assignments will be based upon group work.

Unit Content

Summary (08 May 2006, 12:10pm)

Rootkits, Least privileges users, buffer overflows/overruns, Costs of fixing security vulnerabilities, securing applications, security and the web, Web Browser vulnerabilities, proactive security development processes, software threat modelling, security principles, access control, secure data, secure user input, Denial of Service, security testing, code reviews, secure software installation, malware, spyware

Recommended Reading (08 May 2006, 12:11pm)

Writing Secure Code, Second Edition, Michael Howard and David LeBlanc ISBN 0-7356-1722-8

Teaching Methods

Mode (08 May 2006, 12:11pm)

The unit will be offered in an on-campus enrolment mode at Caulfield campus.

Strategies of Teaching (08 May 2006, 12:12pm)

Lectures: The lectures will provide the theoretical and technical basis for this unit. The process of secure software development will address first two objectives. Examination of different security compromises and the tools used to identify these compromises will address the third and fourth objectives.

Tutorials: Tutorials in computer laboratories will give students the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with secure software development. Each student will have access to a PC with administrator rights so that software compromises can be examined.

Teaching Methods Relationship to Objectives (08 May 2006, 12:15pm)


Strategies of Assessment (08 May 2006, 12:15pm)

Examination: An examination (3 hours) worth 60% of the final mark. The examination will test student's understanding of the principles and techniques underlying the topic areas covered by the unit. It will examine knowledge of secure software development and compromised systems. Assignments Three assignments (worth 40%) will be used to gain practical experience in employing some of security techniques discussed in the lectures. They will involve writing secure software to administer both the local and networked hosts and to be able to defend against DOS (Denial of Service) attacks. The second assignment will be the deployment of a rootkit detector and reporter.

Assessment Relationship to Objectives (08 May 2006, 12:15pm)


Workload Requirement (08 May 2006, 12:16pm)

Students are expected to spend an average of 12 hours per week on this unit. The breakdown of time is

Resource Requirements

Laboratory Requirements (08 May 2006, 12:17pm)

Software Requirements (08 May 2006, 12:18pm)

Library Requirements (08 May 2006, 12:19pm)



Prerequisite Knowledge (08 May 2006, 12:19pm)

Sound knowledge in an object oriented programming language (e.g. Java or C#)

Level (08 May 2006, 12:19pm)

Level 5

Proposed year of Introduction (for new units) (08 May 2006, 12:20pm)

Semester 1, 2007

Frequency of Offering (08 May 2006, 12:20pm)

Once per year

Location of Offering (08 May 2006, 12:20pm)

Caulfield Campus

Faculty Information


Trent Mifsud


Faculty Education Committee:
Faculty Board:
Faculty Manager:
Dean's Advisory Council:

Version History

08 May 2006 Trent Mifsud Initial Draft; modified UnitName; modified ReasonsForIntroduction/RIntro; modified ReasonsForIntroduction/RRole; modified ReasonsForIntroduction/RRelation; modified ReasonsForIntroduction/RRelevance; modified UnitObjectives/ObjText; modified UnitObjectives/ObjCognitive; modified UnitObjectives/ObjAffective; modified UnitObjectives/ObjAffective; modified UnitObjectives/ObjPsychomotor; modified UnitObjectives/ObjCognitive; modified UnitObjectives/ObjAffective; modified UnitObjectives/ObjSocial; modified Classification; modified UnitContent/Summary; modified UnitContent/RecommendedReading; modified Teaching/Mode; modified Teaching/Strategies; modified Teaching/Strategies; modified Teaching/Objectives; modified Assessment/Strategies; modified Teaching/Objectives; modified Assessment/Objectives; modified Workload/WorkHours; modified ResourceReqs/LabReqs; modified ResourceReqs/SoftwareReqs; modified ResourceReqs/LibraryReqs; modified Prerequisites/PreReqKnowledge; modified Level; modified DateOfIntroduction; modified Frequency; modified LocationOfOffering

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