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CSE5808 Quality of Service in Digital Communication Networks.
Chief Examiner
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Unit Code, Name, Abbreviation
CSE5808 Quality of Service in Digital Communication Networks. [QoS in Dig. Comm. Nets. ]
Reasons for Introduction
Obsolete Reasons for Introduction
Digital communication networks based on ATM/IP protocols are undergoing rapid development and deployment all over the world. This explosive growth is expected to continue well into the next few decades. Digital packet switched networks will completely replace legacy analog circuit switched networks in the foreseeable future. Modern networks greatly improve the way that communication is carried out. Multimedia teletraffic which include video, audio and data will the typical type of information carried by those networks. Due to the sophisticated capabilities of modern communication networks and varieties of end user demands, quality of service (QoS) and traffic management has become major research and development issues. Strong interests in these areas are shared by research institutions, equipment manufacturers and service providers. Standard organisations (ITU, IETF, ATM Forum) also released some relevant recommendations in these areas. The Master/Postgraduate Diploma in Digital Communications already includes some QoS topics in existing subjects such as CSE5803, however it is considered appropriate to expand the offering to introduce a subject addressing the specific issues of QoS and traffic management on modern communication networks.
Knowledge and Understanding (Cognitive Domain Objectives) (18 Oct 2004, 8:10pm)
- understand the general concepts of QoS and the underlying measures required for the provision and guarantee of QoS in modern communication networks;
- understand the international standards relevant for traffic management and QoS definition;
- understand the importance of QoS in relation to network technology and network design, and also in relation to the provision of service to end users;
- describe the roles and characteristics and of key QoS measures and functions;
- know the variety of algorithms that can be used to implement the QoS functions
Unit Content
Summary (18 Oct 2004, 8:11pm)
The subject will cover in depth the definition, standard recommendation and common algorithms in the areas of quality of service and traffic management in ATM/IP based networks. The topics to be covered include:
- Quality of service concepts and parameters in ATM networks
- Traffic characterisation and traffic management in ATM networks
- Standard recommendation ITU-TS I.371 and ATM Forum TM4.0
- Traffic classes and management
- Usage parameter control (UPC), traffic shaping and policing
- Connection admission control (CAC) functions
- Congestion avoidance, control and available bit rate (ABR) traffic
- QoS models and implementations on IP layers and networks
- Virtual queues, queue scheduling, DiffServ and IntServ
- RSVP, RIP and layer 4 QoS capability
- Neuro-fuzzy algorithms for QoS guarantee
Recommended Reading (18 Oct 2004, 8:13pm)
- N. Giroux and S. Ganti, Quality of Service in ATM networks, Prentice-Hall, 1998.
- G. Armitage, Quality of Service in ATM networks - Foundations for a multi-service internet, MTP publishing, 2000.
- U. D. Black, QOS in wide area networks, Prentice-Hall, 2000.
- D. McDysan, QoS & traffic management in IP and ATM networks, McGraw-Hill, 2000.
Teaching Methods
Teaching Methods Relationship to Objectives (19 Oct 2004, 12:43pm)
One 2-hour lecture and one 2-hour tutorial or group work per week for 13 weeks. The major teaching method to be used in the subject will be lectures (which will address all of the objectives of the subject listed above). The lectures will be supported by reading exercises and by tutorial or group discussions. Considerable use will be made of student presentations during tutorial and group work sessions, during which students will present the results of investigations into selected QoS algorithms and applications.
Workload Requirement (19 Oct 2004, 12:39pm)
Students should expect to spend an average of 12 hours per week for 13 weeks on this subject. The typical breakdown of the workload is as follows:
- attending lectures and tutorial/group work - 4 hours
- reading and preparation - 2 hours
- class exercises and assignments - 6 hours
Resource Requirements
Lecture Requirements (19 Oct 2004, 12:38pm)
Lecture theatre: 2 hours/week. Theatre for tutorial or group work: 2 hours/week
Software Requirements (21 Oct 2005, 1:04pm)
- Software Title:
- Vendor:
- Version:
- OS: MS Windows XP ( ) and/or LINUX ( )
- License Details: (A valid software license certificate/s or Vendor permission must be available upon request if the software is to be installed for teaching)
- Are we currently licensed: Yes ( ) or No ( ) (If unsure, please check with your local IT support )
- If (Yes), who is the contact person for this software?:
- If (No), will the software license be arranged by: Staff member requesting the software ( ) or Technical Services* ( ) ? *If the latter is selected, please discuss your requirement/s with myself ASAP, prior to finalising your request, as there could be financial or resourcing implications.
- Is the software to be installed and accessed from a: Client/Workstation ( ), or Server ( ) ?
- Type of license: Site License ( ), Freeware ( ), FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) ( ), Shareware ( ), Lab based ( ) # of Licenses needed ____
- In what week will you commence using the software in class? Semester 1 (Week ___ ) and/or Semester 2 (Week ___ ):
- Nominated Staff For Acceptance Testing Software: (Name) (Phone) (Email)
- Additional Information: Special Requirements, Software Configuration/Installation Requirements, etc:
Frequency of Offering (14 Sep 2004, 09:37am)
Semester 1 or Semester 2 EVENING
Faculty Information
School: 28 Oct 2004 (Ronald Pose)
Faculty Education Committee: 18 Nov 2004 (Geraldine D"e;Costa)
Faculty Board: 09 Dec 2004 (Annabelle McDougall)
ADT: Faculty Manager: Dean's Advisory Council: Other:
Version History
18 Oct 2002 |
Bin Qiu |
The creation of cse5808 entry according to the FEC approved document. |
14 Sep 2004 |
Karen Fenwick |
modified Frequency |
14 Sep 2004 |
Karen Fenwick |
18 Oct 2004 |
John Hurst |
modified UnitObjectives/ObjCognitive; modified UnitObjectives/ObjText; modified UnitContent/Summary; modified UnitContent/RecommendedReading; modified UnitContent/RecommendedReading; modified Workload/WorkHours |
19 Oct 2004 |
Bin Qiu |
modified ResourceReqs/LectureReqs; modified Workload/WorkHours; modified Teaching/Objectives; modified Teaching/Objectives |
19 Oct 2004 |
Bin Qiu |
28 Oct 2004 |
Ronald Pose |
CSE School Approval, CSSE Education Coimmittee meeting 7/04 |
18 Nov 2004 |
Geraldine DCosta |
FEC Approval |
09 Dec 2004 |
Annabelle McDougall |
FacultyBoard Approval |
17 Oct 2005 |
David Sole |
Added Software requrirements template |
21 Oct 2005 |
David Sole |
Updated requirements template to new format |
This version: