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CSE2131 Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing

Chief Examiner

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Unit Code, Name, Abbreviation

CSE2131 Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing (15 Jun 2004, 08:43am) [CSE2131 FDSP (15 Jun 2004, 08:44am)]

Reasons for Introduction

Reasons for Introduction (23 Aug 2004, 09:32am)

The subject was introduced as a foundation subject for students enrolled in the course of Bachelor of Digital Systems (DGS for short). It has been run as a core subject for DGS students and an elective for Computer Science and Software Engineering students.

The signal and system concepts, theory, principles and skills are in all areas of technology, engineering and sciences ?1?. It aims at equipping undergraduate students in DGS and information technology in general the fundamental principles, techniques and skills in representation, modelling and analysis of both analog and digital signals and systems, such as electrical and electronic, communications, financial, biological, robotic, defence, manufacturing, etc.

It leads to a number of a advanced subjects and topics, including digital signal processing, image processing, digital video coding and compression, neuro-fuzzy computing, digital communications, data and image compression, advanced digital signal processing etc. offered by the Faculty of IT.

References: ?1? E.W. Kamen and B.S. Heck, Fundamental of Signals and Systems--Using The Web and Matlab", 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 2000.

Reasons for Change (23 Aug 2004, 09:05am)

The subject was introduced as a foundation subject for students enrolled in the course of Bachelor of Digital Systems (DGS for short). It has been run as a core subject for DGS students and an elective for Computer Science and Software Engineering students.

The signal and system concepts, theory, principles and skills are in all areas of technology, engineering and sciences ?1?. It aims at equipping undergraduate students in DGS and information technology in general the fundamental principles, techniques and skills in representation, modelling and analysis of both analog and digital signals and systems, such as electrical and electronic, communications, financial, biological, robotic, defence, manufacturing, etc.

It leads to a number of a advanced subjects and topics, including digital signal processing, image processing, digital video coding and compression, neuro-fuzzy computing, digital communications, data and image compression, advanced digital signal processing etc. offered by the Faculty of IT.

Role of Unit (15 Jun 2004, 09:20am)

CSE2131 FDSP as a level 2 subject is designed to equip students in digital systems, computer science and other information technology courses with fundamental concepts, principles and techniques in continuous-time (analog) and discrete-time (digital) systems representation, realization and analysis, and analog and digital signal conversions. It assists students to develop their analytical and problem solving skills by combining their knowledge learnt in mathematics, programming and physics in order to prepare them for advanced subjects in digital systems and computer engineering as well as their applications such as digital signal processing, digital image processing, digital communications, multimedia signal processing and communications, biomedical imaging, automatic control and robotic systems, instrumentation, etc.

Relationship of Unit (15 Jun 2004, 09:23am)

CSE2131 FDSP is a unique subject that has no similar offerings in the Faculty of Information Technology.

Relevance of Unit (15 Jun 2004, 09:39am)

CSE2131 FDSP offers students in digital systems, computer science and other information technology courses a unique subject to develop their theoretical/analytical and problem solving skills in dealing with digital and computer systems for real-world applications. It consolidates students knowledge and proficiency in mathematics and specialized programming. It challenges students ability in critical thinking. It assists stuents to develop their technical communications skills to describe a technical concept/principle/technique/matter in plain (e.g., Engilish) language, rigorous mathematic language and visual presentation.


Knowledge and Understanding (Cognitive Domain Objectives) (26 Aug 2004, 4:16pm)

Attitudes, Values and Beliefs (Affective Domain Objectives) (26 Aug 2004, 11:50am)

Scientific curiosity, systematic learning approach, analysing and investigating based on facts, importance of the conditions for knowledge to apply, values and limitations of subject matters studied under the subject, Monash University motto: "I'm still learning", i.e., life-time learning skills and abilities, applying knowledge to solve real-world problems.

Practical Skills (Psychomotor Domain Objectives) (26 Aug 2004, 12:03pm)

In application of mathematical knowledge in definition or description, analysis and solving of problems; in using mathematical programming language, e.g., Matlab to deal with signals and systems problems such as modelling and representation, analysis and design; in both written and oral communications.

Unit Content

Recommended Reading (15 Jun 2004, 09:48am)


E.W. Kamen and B.S. Heck, Fundamental of Signals and Systems--Using The Web and Matlab, 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 2000.

The MATH WORKS Inc., The Student Edition of MATLAB--The Language of Technical Computing, Version 5, User's Guide", Prentice Hall, 1997 (ISBN:~0~13~272550~9).


A. V. Oppenheim, A. S. Willsky and S. H. Nawab, Signals and Systems, 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc.,

E.W. Kamen, Introduction to Signals and Systems, 2nd ed, MacMillan Publishers, 1990.

R.E. Ziemer, W.H. Tranter and D.R. Fannin, Signals and Systems: Continuous and Discrete, 3rd ed, MacMillan Publishers, 1993.

C. Chen, Systems and Signal Analysis, Saunders College Publishing, 2nd Edition, 1994.

P. Kraniauskas, Transforms in Signals and Systems, Addison-Wesley, 1992.


Teaching Methods

Mode (15 Jun 2004, 09:53am)

Lectures 2 hours per week; tutorials 1 hour per week; laboratory practical work 2 hours per week; assignements 1 per every two weeks for a total of 10 weeks.

Strategies of Teaching (26 Aug 2004, 12:33pm)

Moed: On-campus.

Strategies of Teaching: lectures, tutorials, assignments and laboratory practical work.

Teaching Methods Relationship to Objectives (26 Aug 2004, 12:33pm)

Teaching Methods in Relationship to Objectives:

Lectures: 1-18

Tutorial: 1-6, and communication skills

Assignments: 1-11

Lab: 1-6 and pracitcal skills


Strategies of Assessment (15 Jun 2004, 08:40am)

Examination (3 hours): 60% - Assignments 10% - Laboratory practical work 30%

Prescribed texts

E. W. Kamen and B. S. Heck, Fundamentals of Signals and Systems 2nd edn, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 2000.

Assessment Relationship to Objectives (15 Jun 2004, 08:41am)

Examination (3 hours): 60% - Assignments 10% - Laboratory practical work 30%

Prescribed texts

E. W. Kamen and B. S. Heck, Fundamentals of Signals and Systems 2nd edn, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 2000.


Credit Points (15 Jun 2004, 09:54am)

6 Points

Workload Requirement (26 Aug 2004, 12:37pm)

2 hrs lectures, 1 hr tutorial, 2 hr lab work and 7 hours private study time per week.

Resource Requirements

Lecture Requirements (15 Jun 2004, 09:57am)

Theatre equipped with overhead projector(s).

Tutorial Requirements (15 Jun 2004, 09:58am)

Theatre or tutorial room equipped with overhead projector and black/white board.

Laboratory Requirements (15 Jun 2004, 10:01am)

Computers which support Matlab software and basic file editing.

Staff Requirements (15 Jun 2004, 10:02am)

1 lecturer, 1 tutor, 1 lab demonstrator.

Software Requirements (21 Oct 2005, 1:04pm)

Matlab software package by The Math Works.

Teaching Responsibility (Callista Entry) (26 Aug 2004, 12:40pm)



Prerequisite Units (15 Jun 2004, 10:09am)

MAT1812 Mathematics IID or equivalent

Level (26 Aug 2004, 2:06pm)

Level 2

Proposed year of Introduction (for new units) (15 Jun 2004, 10:10am)


Frequency of Offering (15 Jun 2004, 10:11am)

1st Semester each academic year.

Location of Offering (26 Aug 2004, 2:07pm)


Faculty Information


H R Wu

Unit Coordinator (15 Jun 2004, 10:12am)

H R Wu


Faculty Education Committee:
Faculty Board:
Faculty Manager:
Dean's Advisory Council:

Version History

15 Jun 2004 Hong Wu modified Assessment/Strategies; modified Assessment/Objectives; modified UnitName; modified Abbreviation; modified ReasonsForIntroduction/RRole; modified ReasonsForIntroduction/RRelation; modified ReasonsForIntroduction/RRelevance; modified UnitContent/RecommendedReading; modified UnitContent/RecommendedReading; modified UnitContent/RecommendedReading; modified Teaching/Mode; modified Teaching/Mode; modified Workload/CreditPoints; modified ResourceReqs/LectureReqs; modified ResourceReqs/TutorialReqs; modified ResourceReqs/LabReqs; modified ResourceReqs/StaffReqs; modified ResourceReqs/SoftwareReqs; modified Prerequisites/PreReqUnits; modified DateOfIntroduction; modified Frequency; modified FacultyInformation/FICoordinator
26 Aug 2004 Hong Wu modified UnitObjectives/ObjCognitive; modified UnitObjectives/ObjCognitive; modified UnitObjectives/ObjAffective; modified UnitObjectives/ObjPsychomotor; modified Teaching/Strategies; modified Teaching/Objectives; modified Teaching/Strategies; modified Workload/WorkHours; modified ResourceReqs/SchoolReqs; modified Level; modified LocationOfOffering
26 Aug 2004 John Hurst modified UnitObjectives/ObjCognitive
17 Oct 2005 David Sole Added Software requrirements template
21 Oct 2005 David Sole Updated requirements template to new format

This version: