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BEH1011 Clinical Concepts of Paramedic Practice

Chief Examiner

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Unit Code, Name, Abbreviation

BEH1011 Clinical Concepts of Paramedic Practice (14 Nov 2003, 2:35pm) [Clinical Concepts (14 Nov 2003, 2:36pm)]

Reasons for Introduction

Reasons for Introduction (14 Nov 2003, 2:38pm)

This first year of the Bachelor of Emergency Health (Paramedic) aims to provide adequate preparatory coursework for students to enter the professional phase of the degree which commences in the second year. In year one, students enroll in two BMS units and a social work unit in order to obtain the necessary introduction to the biomedical, physical and health social sciences which underpin clinical paramedic practice. This unit has been developed to provide a professional context and correlation to the other units being studied in the first year.


Knowledge and Understanding (Cognitive Domain Objectives) (14 Nov 2003, 2:41pm)

By the completion of this unit, the student should be able to:

  • define the fundamental clinical concepts underpinning paramedic practice;
  • demonstrate the knowledge and practical skills required in first aid and patient transport;
  • demonstrate analytical skills and the capacity for problem solving;
  • explain the concepts of the health care team as they relate to patient transport and emergency care;
  • identify factors affecting learning in the clinical environment, and demonstrate effective strategies to learn in this environment;
  • demonstrate capability in information seeking, retrieval and evaluation; and
  • demonstrate written communication skills and the ability to describe processes using appropriate scientific style and language.
  • Unit Content

    Summary (14 Nov 2003, 2:44pm)

    This unit introduces fundamental clinical concepts underpinning paramedic practice. It will assist in the transition to first year university studies by applying a paramedic context for learning and in developing essential analytical, information seeking and written communication skills. It will use a first aid course, the principles of patient transport and the essential practical skills required for non-emergency patient care and transport to develop the clinical concepts. The unit will identify factors affecting learning in the clinical environment and the concepts of the health care team as they relate to patient transport and emergency care. It will include supervised clinical visits to patient transport and ambulance services for students to gain the context of paramedic practice.

    Teaching Methods

    Teaching Methods Relationship to Objectives (14 Nov 2003, 2:47pm)

  • Case Based Teaching; Teaching of theoretical content will be carried out in combination of lecture and tutorial format. Invited industry experts will be engaged to co-teach relevant sessions. Teaching sessions will be structured using clinical cases to support the application of theoretical concepts to the clinical practice context of the Ambulance Paramedic. Teaching sessions will be supported by prescribed material provided to students as pre-reading and self-directed learning resources, and WebCT. (Objectives 1, 4 - 7)
  • Clinical Simulation The use of practical skills sessions and simulations based on clinical scenarios as real time supervised learning experiences in the safety of the pre-clinical environment is a feature of the current MUCAPS clinical education programs. This approach will be used in this unit to allow students to practice the implementation of first aid measures and other essential practical skills required to care for the patient in the non-emergency setting. For maximisation of learning opportunities students will be divided into small groups and will practice under the direct supervision of a skilled and experienced lecturer. Students will be provided with resource materials that describe the technical standards to be attained. (Objectives 2, 3, 6)
  • Supervised Clinical Visits This unit will include supervised visits to the providers of non-emergency and emergency ambulance services. Supervision will be undertaken by MUCAPS appointed workplace clinical instructors to provide support for context specific experience for these students who are new to the Ambulance Paramedic practice environment. During these visits, students will be required to complete structured written learning activities designed to integrate theoretical concepts with clinical practice and to facilitate the development of the required attributes of the beginning Ambulance Paramedic. (Objectives 5, 6)
  • Assessment

    Assessment Relationship to Objectives (14 Nov 2003, 2:48pm)

    Worksheets 40% Students are required to complete four short worksheets. The first two worksheets will have short answer questions relating to topics relevant to first aid. These will be administered partway through the unit. The remaining two worksheets have been designed to provide the students with particular learning activities that they are required to complete whilst on supervised clinical visits. (Objectives 2, 5, 6) Examination 30% Students are required to sit a two hour examination comprising both multiple choice and short answer questions. This examination is designed using questions relating to clinical cases to measure the level of understanding of principles of paramedic practice, first aid and the role of the health care team. (Objectives 1, 2, 4, 7) Assignment 30% Students are required to complete a 1500 word written assignment that deals with a particular clinical case. Students are expected to apply the unit content to the management of this case. (Objectives 1, 4 - 7) Essential Practical Skills Pass/Fail Students will be required to reach a level of competency in essential first aid skills and those practical skills relating to the safe transport and care of non-emergency patients. This will be achieved through use of simulations for clinical skills practice and assessment. (Objectives 2, 3,)


    Resource Requirements

    Software Requirements (21 Oct 2005, 1:04pm)

    Interfaculty Involvement (14 Nov 2003, 2:51pm)



    Faculty Information


    George Kotsanas


    Faculty Education Committee:
    Faculty Board:
    Faculty Manager:
    Dean's Advisory Council:

    Version History

    14 Nov 2003 George Kotsanas Initial Draft; modified UnitName; modified Abbreviation; modified ReasonsForIntroduction/RIntro; modified UnitObjectives/ObjCognitive; modified UnitContent/Summary; modified Teaching/Mode; modified Teaching/Objectives; modified Assessment/Objectives; modified ResourceReqs/LectureReqs; modified ResourceReqs/InterFaculty
    17 Oct 2005 David Sole Added Software requrirements template
    21 Oct 2005 David Sole Updated requirements template to new format

    This version: